Board Priorities
Last updated MAR 2023
9 Roofs that the previous board approved. 6 completed by Smith Roofing
SB 326 Repair 22 Balconies, Stairwells- Waiting on Permitting
7984 Wall Repair – Waiting on permits to process from the city
7934 Bathroom Leak
Hybrid Meeting Upgrades – Investigating
Level all walkways is underway and trip hazards are being replaced.
Spike strip repairs
Mailroom Security Door
Landscape recommendations for water conservation
Pressure regulator valves on the plumbing
Tree trimming should happen in the fall
Gutter cleaning should happen after tree trimming
CC&R Modernization
Resurface parking lot
Stucco Repairs
Split the west end pool and spa drain to remove StingL system
Fix the east jets for the spa – requires tearing up the concrete.
7954 add drainage to stop patio flooding
Composting Bins and new city compliance
Carport damage throughout property
Office clean out complete
All utility rooms cleaned out.
Tree Trimming Complete
All compliance issues for pools have been addressed and certificates issued.
Signage for Dog Run
Signage for Dumpsters
Irrigation stock now received, and PG has access to it.
Inspected and Cleaned drains for the rainy season
7954 leak fixed in water heater closet.
7932 leak fixed in water heater closet.
Trash issues address with cleaning dumpster areas with contract addition
Loquat tree removed by 7946
All 6 gas grills inspected and repaired
7950 Hot water heater replaced due to leaks – $9K expense
Lock for Pools updated to combination locks
Leak in 7954 hot water closet repaired same day by California Plumbing
Gas Grill near Laundry Room 1 repaired
SB 326 – Shoring of Balconies, Stairwells by 22Aug
SB 326 – Architectural Inspections completed by A7
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