Architectural Change Request
CC&R Section 2. Exterior Modifications, Improvements and Alterations. Unit Owners shall not make any improvements, excavation or other work which in any way alters the exterior appearance of any property within the Common Areas or the improvements located thereon from its natural or improved state without the approval of the Board of Directors as follows:
(a) Applications for external modifications shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in writing. Approval based upon verbal application shall be null and void, and the Board of Directors reserves the right to require other written and/or pictorial documentation of the proposed modification(s) to its reasonable satisfaction.
(b) All exterior modifications approved by the Board of Directors shall be architecturally designed, and professionally constructed and installed in accordance with all applicable laws.
(c) Approval of the Board of Directors for any external modification(s) shall automatically expire three (3) months after the date it was granted unless actual modification work has commenced and is in progression.
(d) Following the completion of any approved modification(s), the Board of Directors shall have ninety (90) days to inspect the modification(s) for compliance with the specifications. If the Board of Directors finds the modification architecturally unsuited and/or not built to Code, the owner will be given a reasonable amount of time for correction.
(e) The Board of Directors may order removal of exterior modifications which have not been approved and do not conform to these requirements. Owner shall be granted reasonable time to remove such modifications, and if said modifications remain upon the expiration of the time allowed, the Board of Directors may hire a qualified contractor to perform the removal and shall charge the Owner the cost thereof. No delay (!aches) of any duration by the Board of #55634v7 · DRAFT of the CC&Rs 11-07-06 35 Directors in ordering such removal shall act as a waiver of its powers or authority under terms of this paragraph.
(f) Screen Doors installed over the front door of any Unit must be of a kind and quality equal to the Superior Model #3616-C “Centurion” and be of a dark bronze color to match other screen doors in the Complex.
Section F has been superseded by CC&R amendment to the new Screen Door Policy
(g) All window replacements are to be done with silver aluminum, extruded windows using the new construction style with no outside flanges, similar in quality to the “Milgard” style. Outside patio doors can be replaced using retro-fit style gliders. However, no vinyl clad windows can be used for replacement of any exterior windows or doors.
Section G has been superseded by CC&R amendment to the new Window Policy
(h) All modifications to patios that requires installing materials to floor, walls or overhang or enclosing of patio in any way or installation of air conditioning units that requires cutting through the stucco or any other exterior modification to the face of the buildings must obtain approval of the Board of Directors.
8.8 Each owner is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the interior of their unit, it’s windows, screens and doors, and for the upkeep of all areas for which they have the exclusive right to use. Owners are also for all installations such as smoke detectors, built-in stoves, refrigerators, ice makers and plumbing (everything that protrudes from plastered walls and concrete floors, including but not limited to angle stops, sinks, pipes to sinks, showers which are either standing units or have tiled walls, shower drains, toilets, toilet seals, etc.) including any water damage from such items and for the upkeep and maintenance of these items. Each owner is responsible for the electrical, heating and air-conditioning system, and for the upkeep and maintenance and repairs thereof in their unit. Each owner must at their own expense, maintain and repair and follow all guidelines pursuant to the Mold and Mildew Policy to prevent water damage and/or the growth of mold and mildew in their unit including periodically replacing old work out angle stops and maintaining bathroom and kitchen fans in good working order. Each owner has the right, at their own expense, to maintain, repair, paint, paper, panel or otherwise finish interior surfaces of their unit, but shall not structurally modify any internal load-bearing wall.
Window Architectural Change Request Form
Please carefully read the appropriate sections of the Rule and Regulations before submitting any one of these additional forms:
Upstairs Flooring Architectural Change Request Form