Park Villas North has 112 parking spaces for rent to residents in good standing. As of 2022, current monthly rate is $40. Owners can request to be added to the parking list contact Pernicano Management. If you are a renter, please contact your owner. Parking agreements must be between the owner of the property and the management company.
NOTE: There is currently a long waiting list. The management conducts periodic audits to ensure all spaces are rented.
CC&R Guidance
CC&R Section 5. Additional Parking. A Member in Good Standing may rent one of the Association owned additional parking spaces, by contacting the property management company and being added to the waiting list. When their name comes to the top of the list they will be contacted and if they are currently a Member in Good Standing, given the option to rent the next available additional parking space. If they say yes to renting the next space, the additional parking space will be rented to them on a month-to-month basis. If they refuse, the space will be offered to the next Member in Good Standing on the list, and they will remain at the top of the list until they choose a space. In order to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to rent an additional space, each Member in Good Standing is entitled to rent only one additional parking space. Additional parking spaces are for the personal use of the Member in Good Standing or their tenants and cannot be sublet to any other party. When a Member in Good Standing either sells their Unit or no longer wishes to rent the additional parking space for their own use, said space automatically returns to the Association so that the management company can offer it to the next Member in Good Standing on the list. If at any time during their rental of an additional space, a Member in Good Standing is no longer a Member in Good Standing, the Board can suspend their right to rent an additional parking space and it will be returned to the management company and offered to the next available Member in Good Standing on the list.
Rules and Regulation Guidance
Rules and Regulations section 3.6: Owners desiring to rent an Additional Parking Space must contact the Property Manager and be added to a waiting list and will be assigned a space as one becomes available. When an owner sells their unit or is no longer using their Additional Parking space, it must be returned to the association to be rented to the next owner on the waiting list.