What do I do?
Contact our Property Management Company who has 24hr response team.
Criminal issue?
Contact the SD police at 911.
Mental health or drug issue?
Contact the SD PD PERT. (Psychological Emergency Response Team)
Water Leak?
If the leak is causing property damage.
Shut off the water to the building if available. Most building have a yellow handled ball valve outside the utility rooms for just this issue. The water valve is on the left and the gas valve is on the right.
Then open the faucets in your unit so it can drain off the pressure to stop additional damage.
Contact our Property Management Company Immediately! Shutting off the water can cause damage to the hot water system if left off too long.
If it is after hours the Property Managment Company has an answering service. Give them all the details.
The on-call property manager will contact you if they need to for additional details and access into the area.
The plumber will come and repair the leak.
When the water is shut off, the plumber will have to bleed the lines and restart the recirculation valve. Failure to do this will result in noisy pipes until the air is bled out of the system. It will also cause the recirculation valve to run hot then cold which will cause issues with your bathroom showers.
If remediation is needed, the homeowner may want to use the plumber’s remediation company and file with their own insurance company or contact the HOA for their remediation company. Note: remediation is typically performed during normal business hours.
Routine Maintenance
For routine property management issues please report it through the Pernicano App or Contact our Property Management Company